Maitreyi D. Piontek

Maitreyi D. Piontek

Maitreyi, born 1957, is a Swiss author and a leading expert in the area of female sexuality and spirituality. Her books became international bestsellers, her first “ Das Tao der Frau” was translated into 15 languages.

After many years of experience working in psychiatric emergency wards and as a trainer in the medical field, she has undergone a professional training to become a medical sexologist. She complemented her work with further trainings in various fields of alternative medicine, with particular emphasis on holistic Taoist healing and esoteric healing.

Since 1978, she has been intensively involved in meditation and spirituality, especially the Tantric way of life, the western mystery schools and occult sciences. She has been trained and initiated into a lineage of the western Mystery Tradition that includes people such as Dion Fortune, Ernest Butler and Dolores Ashcroft.

At the age of 21 (1978) she became a disciple of Osho. His pioneering and rebellious spirit has greatly influenced the direction of her work, Thus, her new feminine Mystery Work is not about the preservation of old feminine traditions, but about a holistic, transformative development that frees women from old personal, social and collective fetters and constraints and leads to a new, conscious femininity.

In 2009 she founded the female Mystery School New Daughters, a non-profit project that offers women a long-term Mystery training. The spiritual healing and liberation work developed by her is considered a pioneering work that inspires and guides women in search of a new female identity. Her work has become the foundation of a new spiritual feminism.